Friday, October 21, 2011

Being Spiritual vs. Being Religious

I’ve been disturbed by this very topic for some time and I’m noticing an increasing  disconnect in our society. You'll see why in a sec...


Am I spiritual or religious? I’ve heard both terms used and can’t side with either one. From what I've gathered and can discern (thank you Lord), being "spiritual" has the characteristics of someone that is religious (praying, acknowledging God, etc.), but their lives are primarily self-focused. I get lost here because I don't believe I can do any and everything I feel, or don't feel like doing for that matter. There has to be some boundaries and those boundaries (for me) come from the bible. Why? Because I believe the bible is the instruction manual for life. While I may fall short at times, about we just save that for a different post... :-)

Then on the “religious” side, these people follow a set of rules and obligations to the T, but outside of that they lack spiritual characteristics (ex: faith, good will, etc.). So exactly how does that work? What is the point of following a religious protocol or structure only to live a miserable and defeated life? Seems like a waste...
In my search for an answer I found the comment below online (Posted by: kevlocks aka Karl Logan) and had to share. This response pretty much sums it up and the first sentence answers my original question. If you notice, this comment didn't come from an official site on religion or anything close. Just goes to show that you can contribute and make a difference almost anywhere.

Let's see where this goes. "Spiritual, not religious" is a common phrase among people who may have a belief in God or a higher power; who see the importance of meditation; or just feel the power of nature, but who don't see any benefits to organized religion. There is distrust on both sides of the spiritual versus religious issue. Religious people think those who call themselves spiritual are somehow false, weak or unable to commit to their beliefs.

On the other hand, spiritual people are interested in a
personal experience of the spirit, and they find that the rules
, regulations and rituals of organized religion don't do anything for their own spiritual experience.

As I've gotten older, my opinion is that religion and spirituality are better together than either one is alone. Religion can give you a community and a well-considered path to help you along your spiritual journey. However, if religion is lacking in individual spiritual experience, it can become just a mindless habit and be devoid of any true meaning.

So what are your thoughts?

Remember... if you don't STAND for something, you'll fall for anything!

~ Creatively Analytic ~
How will they know you were here?

 Today's inspirational thought: You’ll miss 100% of shots you never take.
 -Wayne Gretzky

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